Friday, July 25, 2008
Made it home last night after a very long day, started in Portsmouth then on to Boston and finally home. I was so tired that I just dropped everything on the floor and headed for the deck and a view of these amazing mountains I have missed so much. Better to look at them than to ride over them! Just kidding.Still can't believe we're finished, think I biked in my sleep last night but amazingly enough I can't wait to get back on and ride, soon as Fed ex gets it here I'm good to go.Some of the most memorable moments ere the Golden Gate, Donner Pass, Truckee, thru Nevada with gambling and slot machines everywhere, across the Salt flats(unbelievable) and my first two back to back centuries with amazing tailwinds.Day off in Salt Lake and being totally exhausted after 12 days.Across Colorado, meeting up with the Ride the Rockies guys, over Monarch Pass(whew) and seeing Simon on Highway 50. Birthday with very special people in Pueblo, the best balloons ever, seeing Kim in Pueblo. Then on to Kansas, miles and miles of hay and cornfields, smelly cattle feed lots,ran out of water one day(one memorable low point when I burst into tears when the van came by!)They dumped water on my head and said keep going, no rest for the weary!Seeing TS in McPherson, going on into Missouri, the land of a million rollercoaster hills and "interval training" for endless days, legs hurt so bad I thought they would never quit. I think that period was the hardest, still a very long way to go, wondered if I could actually finish it, still a month away. Ohio, Indiana, surprised atbthe beauty of Indianapolis, cool to see the racetrack, and day off with a SUITE! ON into Pennsylvania, feeling a little better , had one week with 4 centuries, hope to never do that again but we all(pretty much) did it and just kept going.SAG stops running together. so many hotel rooms I had to write down the number of the room each night or I'd get lost!Eating nonstop all the time but actually lost 9 pounds, bo y It'll be fun to put some of that back on!Bring on the pizza and beer!Vermont was one of my favorites, beautiful mountains and lakes. New Hampshire takes second prize for STEEP hills--killer at the end with a really tough 90 mile hilly and rainy day. Seeing the ocean as we came around a curve was unbelievable, still makes me cry.Such an amazing group of friends I have in addition to all of you--the group was what helped us all to finish---they will be in my heart forever. Flowers from Simon, calls and emails from everyone--those are the memories I will take to my grave someday, probably be climbing a mountain or biking when I'm 80, I hope.Where from here???I have no idea, need to veg for awhile and do some thinking, enjoy my friends and family, not back to work for awhile. Thank you SO very much for being behind me---Guess I'd better go wade through the mail and see what bills need paying, back to reality with a jolt. If you have a dream, go for it, the world is an awesome place a nd we are so fortunate to live where we do------
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The End

What an emotional day, can't even begin to describe it. Very cool dinner last night, awesome speeches from everyone, the bond with this group is incredible. Today was great, cool weather this morning, hills to start off then after lunch much better and more flat. had a police escort into the beach(fancy that!) and when we saw the Atlantic I had tears streaming down my face--happy, sad, tired, you name it. We got the bikes boxed up, I'm officially in withdrawal mode, and went out for a lobster dinner on the water with wine and the works. We leave early for Boston tomorrow then home by tomorrow night--it's probably gonna take me awhile to process this but again--thanks you so much for the support, I alweays knew you guys were with me every step of the way. Linsey and Blake, I'm pulling for you and with you tomorrow--everything is going to be great and I'll be there Sunday to give you a giant hug.I can't believe we're done, will be looking for the group tomorrow an d the "ro ute rap" don't know how to function without it. Love you guys, I'm TOAST and I'm going to crash.
Monday, July 21, 2008
One More Day
wow, just got in after 90 miles, actually one of the toughest days of the whole ride, good thing they didn't tell us that yesterday!Hills and hills and hills--some this morning were clocked at 22 percent(by gps) and the way we were struggling I believed it, almost a mile of that grade, thought I was gonna die. Then more climbing this afternoon topped off by 3 hours of rain, soaked when we got in but so happy to be here that words aren't adequate.I got flowers from my friend Simon, such an awesome surprise,and am doing laundry for the very last time-yeehaw!!! Tomorrow is supposed to be easy, 60 iles to the ocean so we'll see.CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE. My neighbor Jim is picking me up at the airport so all the rest of you who offered are off the hook--thanks so much for the offers. So--tomorrow I box up the bike for awhile but will be back on it soon.
Just a couple more

Wow, one more state today, started out in the rain but quickly stopped and it was cool and very humid the entire day but great for climbing. We crossed into Vermont and started up the hills--10 m iles of climbing to a summit then downhill then one more big climb over hogback mountain. BEAUTIFUL coun try, similar to the mountains in Colorado yet different, I have got to figure out a way to come back here in the Fall, it's gotta be spectacular.Two really beautiful New England towns, Bennington and Wilmington, along rivers and lakes, just a fantastic day. Have done about 80 miles a day for the last 3 days, one more tomorrow then a quick 60 miles on Tuesday into Portsmouth.Tomorow we have the "last supper", the final dinner for the trip in Manchester. We have a chance for all of us to get up and say something, know that I'm going to be absolutely tonguetied. Words cannot express adequately what I feel right now-maybe after a few days I can come up with something worth being printed.I have met the most fantastic people and done the greatest trips on a bike--the sport has been truly lifechanging for me. Never did I guess when I took up cycling about 15 years ago that I would have this experience.Life constantly drops gifts in our lap--I'm so fortunate to have the good health to enjoy them. Take care, my friends and my family--I will see you very soon. Lots of love to everyone----, saw my first reallife Vermont covered bridge today---COOL!
Friday, July 18, 2008
A little dive into the Leverpool
Well, didn't find the Beatles but had a great ride today, cool at first then got rained on again(yesterday also) then hot and muggy, imaging that. More rolling hills, beautiful lake(Geneva) and a couple of other finger lakes. Wound up doing 70 miles, got in about 2;00 pm ,not a bad day So close to Syracuse but too tired to go exploring, that's the frustrating thing about doing so many miles a day, don't want to add any extra and sometimes we're not close to downtown at all.Tomorow we go to Little Falls, about 80 miles, I think similar country as today. I keep waiting for the "big hills" in New York, too much to ask that they're all aa figment of our imagination.I think they're actually in Vermont and New Hampshire, at least we've only got 5 days left so can't be TOO killer, famous last words.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Along the lakes
Thanks for all the great words and encouragement for the last couple of days, have heard from several of you. We got to Canandaigua today, really pretty ride, slow rolling hills but not a terrible mount of climbing. I was actually in a solitary mood and rode the majority of the day by myself, made it the last hundred miler of the trip--was supposed to do 95 miles but HAD to see Lake Canandaigua, one of the finger lakes--it ws GORGEOUS ! Lots of sailboats and kayaks, sat there for awhile and drank a beer with a few other riders. I think that's century number 13 for the ride--don't plan on doing any more soon! We go to Liverpool tomorrow--short day! 65 miles. Makes me think of the Beetles--boy does that date me or not.I;m taking my bike to mechanic's hour tonight and putting 2 new tires on, have had 3 flats in the last 3 days--ctually have gotten almost 5500 miles out of these tires so they deserve to be retired!Probably could apply that to myself, hmmm.Take care, ca n't wait to see everyone, I'm planning on going to Lexi's for the birthday gals, hope to see lots of you there, will bring pictures to share. More later-----
To Hamburg in her own words
Left Erie after a cool day off, rode about 15 miles that day to find a beach and sat my butt down on it for a long time--it was spectacular! Relaxed and did laundry the rest of the day, back to the Bay to watch sailboats in the evening, maybe a new sport I take up, requires sitting for long periods.Yesterday we did 85 miles, mostly along the shore of Erie. Felt like I was in California---lots of vinyards and the lake actually looks like the ocean. Beautiful day--75 degrees and sunny skies, passed into New YOrk about the 20 mile mark--SO excited I can hardly stand it. Even tho it was a relatively easy ride I felt like I was riding in mud all day, energy level was really down. Maybe just an acumulative effect of the last 2 months.We go to Canandaigua today, on one of the finger lakes, supposed to be really beautiful--another 95 mile day, last really long day of the tour. I can't believe we'll be done this time next week--will write more tonight, gotta load up.Have a wonder ful day!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another day another state

If all went according to schedule, today should have brought Sue and her group to Hamburg, NY. Hamburg is one of those little New York towns that likes to call itself a village, and since I don't know the criteria for a village, I let it go, but I'm watching you Hamburg. If I see anything unvillage like, I''ll yank your village status faster than you can say "Where quality of life, Afford ability, and Innovation are the Norm." On to Canandaigua tomorow. I don't want to live in a place named that.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Welcome to Erie, PA

Wow, one more century yesterday to make 4 in a row--first and hopefully last time ever! Although I'll have to say it feels pretty darned good to get it done. We got to Erie about 3:30, the lake front is only 8 blocks away from the hotel but I couldn't drag my tired butt down there, will do that today--so excited to see my first Great Lake.We had a great meal last night and actually went to a pub down the street for a drink since we're off today--managed to stay up past dark--barely. I have somany mixed feelings right now, can't believe we only have 8 days left, has passed so slowly and yet so quick. Wondering how I'm going to feel when I get home, suspect there is going to be a huge letdown and wandering around aimlessly for days, wondering where all my new buddies are and shat the route for the day is. I'm not sure how long it will take to ship my bike home, probably take it out for a spin when I get it, maybe just a measly 50 miles or so.The last couple of weeks cycling al l the back roads has been spectacular, really gives me a feel for small town America and I'm impressed.Tomorrow we actually cross into New York for 3 days I think(whoops, hit some strange key and it changed the letters, oh well)I'm trying to figure out how to maintain this level of fitness when I get back, have probably dropped 5 or 6 pounds even tho I've been eating nonstop, have increased my speed on the bike by 2 or 3 mph--don't know,maybe you guys can drag my ass up a few mountains.I definitely don't want to keep riding 90 to 100 miles a day, least I've figured that out! Will probably take the whole month of August off and regroup--bring those missions on!My niece is having serious surgery the day I get back, will likely make a quick trip to Little Rock once I know the house is still standing. I can;t WAIT to see everyone and catch up with all of you--your support has kept me going and I truly could not have done it without every one of you. Thank you SO much- -I'm going to head down to the lake and relax, see if I can stay out of trouble. Talk to you soon. Love-----
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wooster to Youngstown, OH

Saturday took Sue's group from Wooster to Youngstown, OH. Here's her view on the whole deal.
"wow, one more day and one more century, three in a row, a record for me. One more to go tomorrow and then we're into Pa and Erie and dy off on Monday. I've been really impressed with Ohio, some of the most beautiful lwns and old farms I've seen, also some of the roughest roads, feel like I've been on a mountaain bike half of today!Lots of the old above ground swimming pools, thought about jumping in several .Hills initially this morning then flattened out some, looks better for tomorrow, long but more flat.It's raining tonight, hope it blows over by tomorrow. Things are pretty good, everyone is tired and a little cranky, including me, can't wait to get home and veg for a few days--maybe do walk up to the mailbox and see if I can still breathe!I'll write more tomorrow when we get in, right now the ed is way too inviting. Tom, sorry I missed your sister but thanks for the thought--I think Niles is fairly close but couldn't get much info about it. Sleep tight,y'all, t alk soon."
richmond to marysville to wooster
So, I just realized I missed a post. I thought I had done it but it apparently wasn't there. So, to get you caught up, here's the post from a couple days ago.
"Didn't have enail access last night, sorry about that.Had a long day--109 miles but mostly flat, beautiful old farms and backroads. Was a pretty good ride all in all. Today was much tougher, another 107 miles and the "Missouri Hills" have come back with a vengeance. somebody today with a gps said the angle was 20%--whatever it was they were steep! So tired tonight I can't move and this town looks really interesting--Tom(Wood) where are you from?????Tomorrow is our last day in Ohio then on to Pennsylvania, boy, we are moving East!Another lond day tomorrow, 95 or something like that, hope the hills disappear.Good luck for all you guys doing the Triple tomorrow--I'll be thinking about you!"
"Didn't have enail access last night, sorry about that.Had a long day--109 miles but mostly flat, beautiful old farms and backroads. Was a pretty good ride all in all. Today was much tougher, another 107 miles and the "Missouri Hills" have come back with a vengeance. somebody today with a gps said the angle was 20%--whatever it was they were steep! So tired tonight I can't move and this town looks really interesting--Tom(Wood) where are you from?????Tomorrow is our last day in Ohio then on to Pennsylvania, boy, we are moving East!Another lond day tomorrow, 95 or something like that, hope the hills disappear.Good luck for all you guys doing the Triple tomorrow--I'll be thinking about you!"
Monday, July 7, 2008
Relief for now
Yesterday was actually a really nice day, crossed over into Indiana and one more time zone--now I'm REALLY confused. Don't think I've lived in the eastern time zone in 25 years.Still pretty flat but fewer cornfields and bigger trees, towns a little closer together and beginning to get more interesting. Rode with the "hot shots" yesterday for all day--3 guys, a German, Aussie and Brit, who amazingly slowed their pace down for a day so a few of us middle of the roaders could keep up with them. It was fun,rolled into the hotel at 1:00 in the afternoon after doing 85 miles--"short day" ha!Today we woke up to popuring rain, thunderstorms and lightening all around and after breakfast and much deliberation they started shuttling us in the vans into Indianapolis so we might actually wind up with 2 days off because tomorrow is our off day. Probably not a bad thing and I mostly just want to get home safely, isn't worth the risk. I don't know what I'm going to do with 2 days off the bike , probab;y go into wirhdrawals! At least we're right downtown and there is tons to do--just rest up and enjoy walking around.We have only 13 riding days left, really hard to bel;ieve. The rest of this week is hard, 5 days and 500 miles(wow)and the hardest thing at this point is the mental challenge ogf getting on the bike every day doing 80 to 100 miles each day--it ranks right up there with dangling from that Blackhawk! The ultimate goal , tho, is finishing,= and boy is that gonna feel great. Thanks for all the support--you guys are my inspiration for all you do and I know that everyone is rooting for me. It's a wonderful feeling to have you all in my life- I am one VERY fortunate woman.
Friday, July 4, 2008
happy 4th my friends
Not too bad a day for 106 miles, finally got out of the hills nd into more flat country with nuthin but cornfields. Good weather, high 70's and no rain, thank God. Even tho it was longer it was far better than yesterday, encouraging. I think all of us right now are at the point of a serious love-hate relationship with the bike--can turn any given moment!Happy July 4th to everyone, unfortunately it's not dark yet so the fireworkds haven't started but I'm down for the count. Can't wait tillI get home nd actually can make it to 10:00!Another century to orrow then 2 more days before the next rest day in Indianapolis, slowly crawling East--I think we actually change timezones again tomorrow. Yeehaw!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
chillicothee to kirksville to quincy
Not sure what happened, I emailed from chillicthee a coupla days ago but it must be floating out there in cyberspace somewhere. Did send some more pics, hope they're on the blogsite. Anyway, the last 3 days have been tough, Missouri is known as the land of a thousand hills and I have no doubt in my mind where they are!Big roller coasters that go on endlessly as far as the eye can see, like doing interval training for 85 miles a day 3 days in a row, I'm so tired tonight I can hardly move Mostly rolling hills, beautiful farms, lots of corn and soybeans, all on back country roads, some rough, some very narrow but tons better than big highways. I actually get the feel of smalltown Ameica, would love to come back in a car, a convertible at that! Somehow at dinner one night in the midst of this, we came up with an idea for a coffee table book about all the varieties of roadkill, sure to sell like hotcake!You can see how the discussion quickly deteriorates after dinner, then goes immediately to what the route is gonna be like the next day followed by how soon can we go to bed, haven't made it till after dark in a while.Today was about 65 miles in rain and the rest with headwinds, next two days are 2 century days--wow. Crossing the Mississippi today was interesting, really high, they had to shuttle us across the bridge. So--guess that's it for tonight.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
hay and corn and hay and corn
After the Monday rest day Sue and her group traveled Tuesday from St. Joseph, MO to the town of Chillicothe along state highway 36, passing through about a half dozen towns along the way. They would have passed near the town of Breckenridge, but probably not through it. Somehow I doubt it bears much similarity to our nearby municipality of the same name. Today, June 2, should take them 82 miles to Kirksville. According to the weather channel, the area should reach 85 degrees today but a 70% chance of strong storms. Hopefully, won't encounter too much rain.
Good luck today guys.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
yes, their still rolling

So, I know it's been a few days since last post and that's pretty much my (Jason's) fault. I got a little confused about where they were in the trip and so didn't know what to put in. Soooo, when we last saw our intrepid adventurer, she had just entered the fabled Dodge City, where Gunsmoke was set. With many miles ahead, Sue got out of Dodge and made her way to Great Bend, KS where apparently you can visit the Barton County Museum and see how boring Kansas was 100 years ago. Next up came McPherson (from whence came 6 members of the first U.S. Olympic basketball team), Abilene (of which the only interesting thing I can find is that Wild Bill Hickock was once the marshall there), and then Topeka, the capital city. Sue's words following can fill you in from there.
"Oh my gosh, miss one day and I feel like it's been a month. Went up to the room today to get something and I couldn't remember the room number, too many days, too many hotel rooms and too many miles in the last coupla days--and that was without alcohol! We did 111 miles yesterday, very rolly hills, started out cloudy and cool but missed the rain(somebody on this group has serious connections somewhere) and then got warmer but actually really good. I've never seen such roller coaster hills, lots of cornfields, way greener than it has been, what a change in less than 100 miles. We got to the hotel dog tired, nice place in Topeka but a convention center with an indoor pool and we were right next to the pool, kind of a damper for sleep last night. Today only 90 miles but actually took us just as long, had a head or crosswind for 90 miles-SUCKED. We got into St Jos about 3"30, totally dragging and so happy that tomorrow is a rest day. really pathetic when you fill your day off with laundry, a quick walmart run and lay out by the pool. Actually the Pony Express museum is here, would love to go to that--if I can figure out a way to get there not on the bike. The next 2 weeks are killers--3 centuries each week, can't wait.At least the towns are a little closer together, more diversity and not just the really long stretches without anything. Everything is really green with all the rain, the Missouri River today was almost over the banks, will be interesting to see what the Mississippi looks like. Sorry about no pics, haven't had access to a laptop for a few days--just wait till I get back, tho!I'll try to update more in the next couple of days, miss everyone so much. My friend Jessica met me today (from Omaha) for a couple of hours, what a wonderful treat! I am so fortunate to have such awesome friends and family, truly couldn't do it without you guys."
Enjoy your day off friend and maybe let us know how some of the flowers smell on those upcoming centuries.
Enjoy your day off friend and maybe let us know how some of the flowers smell on those upcoming centuries.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
All aboard for Dodge City!!
Once again, what a difference a day makes. Today was AWESOME, 56 miles of rolling hills, feedlots, (you can smell them miles away), in by 10:30 this morning and boy was I happy. Nothing in old downtown Dodge City, even rode thhe bike down to try to find an old salloon but nada, had to settle for Appleby's, not nearly as glamorous but it worked. Passed by a really cool marker and sign for the Sata Fe Trail, couldn't see much but I know it was there. It reminded me of flying over Raton in the plane, could actually see the ruts and stuff from the trail.It really feels good to just sit here this afternoon, am gonna find my book and go lose myself for awhile. As soon as Audrey brings her laptop I'll send some pics--not too much here but everyday is different so here ya go!85 miles tomorow, not so bad after what we've been doing, I think the trick is to start really early and ride your butt off to try to miss the hardest part of the day--works good in theory!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Welcome to Kansas if you're so inclined

Sue and her gang made it from Lamar to Garden City, KS today. Enjoy the flats for a while.
Another really long day today, passed into kansas and also crossed the time zone so it's an hour later.Very flat, lots of cattle feed lots(smelly!) fields, small rolling hills, heat and wind. seems to be the thing of the day probably from here on out. We did 106 miles, second consecutive century in a couple of weeks and no, they're not getting any easier!I had a minor meltdown at the 65 milemark but after pouring a couple of bottles of wter on my head managed to finish, cruising in around 3:30.We have a short day tomorow!Only 50 miles and I think we're all ready for it, into Dodge City, need to dig out my cowboy boots.Pat, you asked me if I thought this would be harder than Kilimanjo--that would be a definite yes, probably the hardest thing I've ever done and I'm not there yet!But we're slowly approaching the halfway point , think I'm gonna bronze this map when I get home, better even than TS's tennis shoes!Inside joke, sorry.TS is coming to Mcpherson Kansas on thursday, I can't wait!Sorry no pics tonight but will send more tomorow between looking for more hot cowboys----
Sunday, June 22, 2008
No more mountains for a while

Couple of new posts in the last couple days. I didn't get around to posting. Sue covered the southern part of the state, got a day off, and headed east. They passed through the area of Ordway, which is where my wife is from, so I know that part of the state rather well. It's surely not the part of the state anyone thinks of when they think of Colorado, but if you want a perfect picture of small town America, look no further. Good work Sue, a couple of consecutive centuries and you're making the rest of us look like wimps. Rock On.
Salida to Pueblo
"Started out great wuth a fantastic downhill through the canyon along the Arkansas river, beautiful morning. We were going to do the Royal Gorgr option but Linda's bike stopped shifting(bummer) so we just kept going, Boy were we gld later cause the weather changed and we got another bad headwind for the rest of the day, barely making it into Pueble before a storm. Thank God for only 96 miles!!!!My good friend Kim surprised me last night, showing up to eat dinner with us and an early birthday present--it was awesome to see her. Beemn thinking the lst few days how really blessed I am with health, family and friends, feel wealthy beyond imagination. Today was an off day, only second one in 21 days and boy has it been wonderful. Linda and Bill are taking me to dinner then she leaves for home, i sure am going to miss her, it's made the Colorado part of the trip even more special. One more day in CO then on to Kansas for 5 days, halway point is the 26th. Yahoo!!! W ill send pics today--be safe and have a great week!"
Pueblo to Lamar
"After a much needed day off we did 124 miles today, so much for resting! We actually did it in 9 hours, 7 1/2 hours riding time, definitely getting faster.The other motivating factor was the heat, 105 today. I was a limp noodle by the time I got here! Tomorrow is 110 miles, whew.Very flat and a gradual downhill today, not much here, mostly agricultural and a lot of big cattle feed lots, not what you would expect for Colorado . I thought so much about how truly blessed I am with the greatest friends and family in the world--yesterday was an amazing birthday, starting with meeting Simon on hiway 50 and Kim surprising me for dinner then a great day off, polished my toenails, ahaved my legs, took a long bath! Then to top it off Joelle, Lexi, Ken and Bill and Linda surprised me with balloons and took me to dinner--one of the top 10 birthdays I've ever had. Thanks to all of you, I am overwhelmed by the people in my life, the opportunity to do this and it's really brought home to me how fortunate I am. One of our riders today passed out and fell, was taken to Pueblo to the hospital and is done for the ride--scary how fast your life can change."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Montrose to Gunnison

Well, today was my first official "bonk" day, not sure why cept probably didn't eat enough last night or this morning, not my usual eggs, bacon and biscuits cause they didn;t have them. Started really early, up at 5"15(you guys know how I miss sleeping in!) and then immediately into another strong headwind into a 12 mile climb uo to Cerro Summit, somewhere around 7500 feet. After a great downhill we climbed another 8 or 10 miles up to Blue mesa, incredibly beautiful canyon, I remember it from a BTC ride a few years ago. We shared the road with about 2500 other riders from Ride the Rockie, actually kind of fun. We then had a great downhill into A huge lake and the spectacular rock formations near Gunnison--somewhere along the way, tho, about 6 or 7 miles from town I ran out of water, cytomax and steam and barely made it to the hotel. One of my fellow riders gave me a "mojo" drink, no telling what was in it but I feel a thousand percent better already and just might be able to m ake Monarch Pass tomorrow, q 12,000 foot summit, highest point of the trip. You'd think these Colorado legs would know they were home! We're past the one third point, it's been so fast--have actually really questioned the last 3 days exactly why I'm doing this, can't ome up with a good answer yet--maybe I will when I reach the halfway pint in Abilene kansas, the point of no return! My friend Linda pulled a muscle yesterday and had to sit out today, I felt so bad for her.So--I'm heading to Marios foe dinner, am gonna eat a whole pizza(kidding!) and get a good night's sleep, more tomorow, sent some pics today. Especially one for my brother Mike, read the sign on top of Blue Mesa Summit--something about elk!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
sweet colorado . . . but hot

Got this in from Sue today. I can relate to the Western Colorado June heat. Having grown up in Grand Junction, I know about 100 degree days in June. Actually, when I moved to Denver, it seemed a little weird to me not to have it that hot in June. You won't find very much shade over there either. I hope it does get cooler as they head into the mountains across the South of the state. Soak it in for the next few days because you won't get the scenic vistas for a while.
"Too tired last night to write--really long, VERY hot day, 100 miles across the desert of Western Colorado and nothing out there, not even a truck stop!We kept running out of water, one guy's bike thermometer measured 106 degrees--glad I didn't know that till we got to the hotel Rode all day on I70, really glad to get to Grand JUnction. By the way, the pink couch was in a really cool coffee shop in some little town, couldn't pass that one up! Today we did 75 miles into Montrose, supposed to be a "rest" day but didn't feel like it cause again it was in the high 90's. Can't wait to get up higher tomorrow where it's cooler, altho that means more climbing!Things are still good so far, the heat has really bothered me but I guess I'd better get used to it, coming up on Kansas! Really miss everyone, can't wait for our second day off in Pueblo,only 4 more days!"
Sunday, June 15, 2008
provo to price to green river

No email last night after a REALLY hard day, I think the hrdest so far. We started out good leaving Provo but then turned uphill into a canyon with probably 30 mile an hour headwinds, went on for about 6 miles then downhill into a wonderful sagstop--icecold creek that I stuck my feet in--wow! After that was another huge uphill with more headwinds and lots of road construction, no shoulder and pretty darned scary. There was an OLD cafe up top, Butch Cassidy actually went thru there years ago and there was lots of old stuff--kept looking for Paul Newman and Robert Redford but no such look. We then had about 15 miles of muchlooked forward downhill but still a massive headwind, took all the fun out of it. We only did 65 miles but I was so done by the time we got there I almost skipped dinner but actually managed to polish off a plate of pasta, asleep before dark. really great social life on this trip!! Today was mostly downhill and short--68 miles -- into Green River, Got here before lunch and there's NOT anything here but it actually feels good.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mormon country

"Wow, after a very much needed day off in salt lake city I feel almost human again. We went downtown to Mormon Square, really interesting place and very beautiful Gorgeous day, warm, went back to the hotel for some time by the pool, laundry and just doing nothing. Covered the bike up! Today we did 70 miles to Provo, BEAUTIFUL ride and the town is spectcular. Wound thru the BYU campus, really pretty. stopped in a bike store to get new brake pads, wore them out on the descents we've been doing and need to get ready for Co--yeehaw. I'm really homesick, can't wait to get there."
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
rollin, rollin, rollin
wow, just had one of the most amazing days I've eve had on a bike, 109 miles in 5 hours and 45 minutes RIDING TIME, we had a 20 mile tailwind the entire time, all I saw was smiles and yeehas.I've never done a century so fast, hope it holds up for the 120 miles tomorow~! Still tired , tho, got a shower and did one of my favorite things of the day, checking my emails.Some of you aren't gettint the pics, not sure why. Did anybody on the Team get those I sent yesterday??Mike said he didn't, wouldn't want to miss me and the drunken cowboys!!The scenery has changed a lot today, absolutely breathtaking with surrounding mountain ranges but still in a big valley. Lots of sagebrush, few desert flowers. This time actually reminds me a lot of Albuquerque, high desert. The wind was blowing so bad coming in theat I almost got blown over, one girl did wreck and got stitches, guess nurse Sue will take them out at some point. Other than that things are good, legs are definite; y getting stronger, butt too.Nobody but a cyclist would appreciate that, sorry guys! Tonight is buffet in the casino, so far I've stayed away from the slot machines, miss the old one arm bandits with coins falling over the place, takes all the fun out of it. Can't WAIT for Salt Lake and a day off the bike, will probably manage to do absolutely nothing for a few hours
Monday, June 9, 2008
Across the Silver State

Sue sent this one in yesterday. She sounds a little tired, but it still looks like she's loving every minute of it. New photos in too.
"Things are beginning to blur, can't remember what day it is much less what I did 2 days ago--yesterdy was short, only 60 miles and relatively flat, think the only thing living out here is snakes and lizards, thank god I haven't run over any yet. Battle Mt is a real hole in the wall place with nothing but lot machines and laundromats, actually did some of that cause I was getting pretty desperate. even hung out by the pool and read for about an hour, first day we've had somewhat pf a break. Mexican food and a tecate for dinner and it was lights out at almost 9:00, don't kow what I'm gonna do when I get home and have to go back to normal. Today was incredible, felt really good, had one big 12 mile climb but reasonable grade, warmer than anything so far, finally got out of my jacket and long sleeves. We had an incredible 20 mile an hour tailwind into Elko, got here at 2:00 after doing 75 miles.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Ahhhh Nevada
Been a couple of days, didn't have good email service last night in this little town in Nevada, never lack for slot machines though! We did 93 miles yesterday, mostly flat, some rolling across the desert, pretty desolate. Rode an amazing 80 miles on Interstate 80, not a lot of fun but not as bad as I thought it would be.The weather is still cool, sixties, which saved us, but after 6 something hours on the bike I was toast, drank a beer with some of the guys and immediately went to sleep or became unconscious, not sure which!Today was 74 miles, flat but ALL into a headwind. I was saved by about 15 other guys in a double paceline no less, first time for me but it saved my life. We just got to Winnemucca, not sure of it's claim to fame, but boy, I'm glad to be here. Not a lot of pics in the last couiple of days, will try sending some tomorrow--miss everyone tons, thanks for all the support, it keeps me going.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
News and Pics and a new state
Sue sent in some new info for today. Today took them from Truckee, CA to Sparks, NV. Also, we've got our first pictures.
"We left early this morning from Truckee, up in the Sierra, temp was 30 degrees!I finally felt my toes and fingers about an hour later--rode arounf Lake Tahoe for about 20 miles, spectacular and there was no wind, blue skies then up a 10 mile climb to Mt Rose, not as bad as yesterday, think the grade was only 8 %--love those Colorado roads like this! I ws really feeling my legs today tho, after 5 days of riding, and few other places on me(ha!)We then had an 18 mile downhill that was amazing, little steep at first and I was prying that my brakes didn't wear out but made it down into Sparks, Nevada(second state, yeeha!) and about 80 degrees, stripping clothes all afternoon. We have a 90 mile day tomorow to Lovelock, probably gonna be flat, praying for a tailwind."
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
West Coast News

Sue just sent in this little note about the last couple of days. It sounds like today worked them pretty hard over Donner Pass. It sounds like she and her intrepid companions were able to traverse the pass without having to resort to some of the same survival means of those for whom the pass is named. Still, if it came down to it, I'd put my money on Sue as a survivor.
Thanks for the update Sue. Sounds awesome.
"Wow, just finished doing Donner Pass, 75 miles, 8000 feet of elevation gain and about 55 miles of climbing today, some at 12%, yikes. I am SO tired and I hurt EVERYWHERE!Only 47 more days of thisThe scenery has been spectacular, yesterday was a bike trail for 35 miles wound up in Auburn with time to spare. Weather has been great, making many new interesting friends. Tomorrow we do more climbing(yeeha!) and go partially around Lake Tahoe, really looking forward to that. Then I think the next day we actually start going downhill some, would be fantastic.I'm gonna try really hard to stay awake till dark tonight but no promises--thanks so much for all the emails and calls.Sounds like it's been pretty calm on the home front, I'd say I hope it stays that way but I know you guys better, you adrenaline junkies!I'm going to try to start sending some pictures, need to borrow someone's laptop to do that. Take care, be safe--"
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sacramento to Auburn

Today should have taken them from Sacramento, CA to Auburn, the self-proclaimed "Endurance Capital of the World." According to, "Auburn, California, Established in 1848 . Located just 30 miles northeast of Sacramento on Interstate 80, Auburn is filled with the historical reminders of California's gold rush days. As best said by local writer Tom Homer - 'Arriving in Auburn, California is like traveling back in time - a time when life moved just a little slower, when people appreciated a well-designed community building, and took time to say hello to their neighbors'.
Auburn is one of California’s earliest mining towns, situated in the heart of the Gold Country. During the Gold Rush in May of 1848, a miner by the name of Claude Chana was taking a short cut to meet his friend James Marshall and discovered gold in the Auburn Ravine. Auburn then became a shipping and supply center of hundreds of gold camps. In 1853, Auburn became the seat of Placer County, an honor befitting its stature as an important trading center and supply depot for the mines."
I think it sounds like kind of a cool town, but then again, I'm a sucker for cities that retain the visual marks of their heritage.
Monday, June 2, 2008
10:45 this just in

Just checked my email and got this info.
"Wow, what an amazing 2 days this has been!We left the hotel yesterday and did a butt kicking first day at 86 miles, through San Fran (the hills suck!) to the Pacific ocean, dipped our wheels in the water and then on to the Golden Gate and rode across. AMAZING experience and the first day of sunshine. Rode into Sausalito, they told us not to dally around cause we had a long day; wanted so bad to just sit on the beach and sip coffee but, no that wasn't gonna happen. After that rode miles of hills into the inland, had one flat (hope that gets THAT outa the way for a few days) and then on into Fairfield, dragging my butt . The group is really interesting, UK, Australia, Germany, Trinidad, New Zealand all represented and many really interesting others--mainly close to my age but the only other single woman is Audrey, my roommate who is 26 years old. I think I have the distinction of being the oldest woman but have been afraid to ask! Today was great, 57 FLAT miles, never seen anything like it. Hung out at the UC at Davis campus for coffee then on into Sacramento and went to Old Town Sacramento, great old place. Just got back from dinner and a couple of beers and I'm toast. Tomorrow is another short day, only 60 miles so they're kind of breaking us in gradually except for yesterday."
Fairfield, CA to Sacramento, CA

It's 8:00 pm here in the Mile High City and I haven't heard any news from Sue about how the ride to Fairfield went. Today should have taken them from Fairfield to Sacramento. So, in light of the absence of information, thought I'd put you all to a little Sacramento pop quiz. It'll go like this: there will be a question followed by four possible answers. Each possible answer is a website link. If you're correct you'll be sent to this Sacramento History Game. If you're wrong you'll be sent to vote on cute kittens. All right, here we go.
1. The Miwok Indians', indigenous to Sacramento, diet was dominated by what food.
2. The guy who named the Sacramento valley was part of what religion?
3. Lots of people came looking for this after a guy found some at a certain Mill near Sacramento in 1848.
4. The city of Sacramento, after being raised to avoid floods by filling in it's basements, became a home for what illegal product.
Good luck and enjoy your Sacramento trivia
Oh, and Sue, stay out of the tunnels in the buried basements; that stuff's no good for cycling.
Furthermore, we'd like to know the best place to eat in Sacramento.
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