Couple of new posts in the last couple days. I didn't get around to posting. Sue covered the southern part of the state, got a day off, and headed east. They passed through the area of Ordway, which is where my wife is from, so I know that part of the state rather well. It's surely not the part of the state anyone thinks of when they think of Colorado, but if you want a perfect picture of small town America, look no further. Good work Sue, a couple of consecutive centuries and you're making the rest of us look like wimps. Rock On.
Salida to Pueblo
"Started out great wuth a fantastic downhill through the canyon along the Arkansas river, beautiful morning. We were going to do the Royal Gorgr option but Linda's bike stopped shifting(bummer) so we just kept going, Boy were we gld later cause the weather changed and we got another bad headwind for the rest of the day, barely making it into Pueble before a storm. Thank God for only 96 miles!!!!My good friend Kim surprised me last night, showing up to eat dinner with us and an early birthday present--it was awesome to see her. Beemn thinking the lst few days how really blessed I am with health, family and friends, feel wealthy beyond imagination. Today was an off day, only second one in 21 days and boy has it been wonderful. Linda and Bill are taking me to dinner then she leaves for home, i sure am going to miss her, it's made the Colorado part of the trip even more special. One more day in CO then on to Kansas for 5 days, halway point is the 26th. Yahoo!!! W ill send pics today--be safe and have a great week!"
Pueblo to Lamar
"After a much needed day off we did 124 miles today, so much for resting! We actually did it in 9 hours, 7 1/2 hours riding time, definitely getting faster.The other motivating factor was the heat, 105 today. I was a limp noodle by the time I got here! Tomorrow is 110 miles, whew.Very flat and a gradual downhill today, not much here, mostly agricultural and a lot of big cattle feed lots, not what you would expect for Colorado . I thought so much about how truly blessed I am with the greatest friends and family in the world--yesterday was an amazing birthday, starting with meeting Simon on hiway 50 and Kim surprising me for dinner then a great day off, polished my toenails, ahaved my legs, took a long bath! Then to top it off Joelle, Lexi, Ken and Bill and Linda surprised me with balloons and took me to dinner--one of the top 10 birthdays I've ever had. Thanks to all of you, I am overwhelmed by the people in my life, the opportunity to do this and it's really brought home to me how fortunate I am. One of our riders today passed out and fell, was taken to Pueblo to the hospital and is done for the ride--scary how fast your life can change."
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