So, I know it's been a few days since last post and that's pretty much my (Jason's) fault. I got a little confused about where they were in the trip and so didn't know what to put in. Soooo, when we last saw our intrepid adventurer, she had just entered the fabled Dodge City, where Gunsmoke was set. With many miles ahead, Sue got out of Dodge and made her way to Great Bend, KS where apparently you can visit the Barton County Museum and see how boring Kansas was 100 years ago. Next up came McPherson (from whence came 6 members of the first U.S. Olympic basketball team), Abilene (of which the only interesting thing I can find is that Wild Bill Hickock was once the marshall there), and then Topeka, the capital city. Sue's words following can fill you in from there.
"Oh my gosh, miss one day and I feel like it's been a month. Went up to the room today to get something and I couldn't remember the room number, too many days, too many hotel rooms and too many miles in the last coupla days--and that was without alcohol! We did 111 miles yesterday, very rolly hills, started out cloudy and cool but missed the rain(somebody on this group has serious connections somewhere) and then got warmer but actually really good. I've never seen such roller coaster hills, lots of cornfields, way greener than it has been, what a change in less than 100 miles. We got to the hotel dog tired, nice place in Topeka but a convention center with an indoor pool and we were right next to the pool, kind of a damper for sleep last night. Today only 90 miles but actually took us just as long, had a head or crosswind for 90 miles-SUCKED. We got into St Jos about 3"30, totally dragging and so happy that tomorrow is a rest day. really pathetic when you fill your day off with laundry, a quick walmart run and lay out by the pool. Actually the Pony Express museum is here, would love to go to that--if I can figure out a way to get there not on the bike. The next 2 weeks are killers--3 centuries each week, can't wait.At least the towns are a little closer together, more diversity and not just the really long stretches without anything. Everything is really green with all the rain, the Missouri River today was almost over the banks, will be interesting to see what the Mississippi looks like. Sorry about no pics, haven't had access to a laptop for a few days--just wait till I get back, tho!I'll try to update more in the next couple of days, miss everyone so much. My friend Jessica met me today (from Omaha) for a couple of hours, what a wonderful treat! I am so fortunate to have such awesome friends and family, truly couldn't do it without you guys."
Enjoy your day off friend and maybe let us know how some of the flowers smell on those upcoming centuries.
Enjoy your day off friend and maybe let us know how some of the flowers smell on those upcoming centuries.